Parsley 'Laica' Organic Heirloom (100 seeds)
A smooth, large-leaved, dark green parsley that’s high-yielding and quick to grow. Replaces Giant of Italy. Organically grown seed.
Approximately 100 seeds per packet (packed by volume).
DAYS TO GERMINATION:14-30 days at 65–70°F (18–21°C).
SOWING: Transplant (recommended): Sow in 1" cell containers. Seeds take at least 3 weeks to germinate.
Direct seed: Sow in spring after the danger of frost has passed, about 1/4- 1/2" deep, 3 seeds per inch in single rows or 2-3" wide bands 12-18" apart. Thin plants to 8-12" apart.
DISEASES: Prevent disease with crop rotation and good sanitation.
SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Grows well in moist, fertile soil. If planted in a well-drained location, it can normally be wintered over to produce a crop early the following spring. Mulch where temperatures go below 0°F (-18°C).
Water during dry spells and side-dress with compost or a balanced fertilizer once or twice during the growing period, if necessary.
HARVEST: Clip leaves when needed. To maintain the crispness and appearance of freshly harvested parsley, store at temperatures of 32–36°F/0–2.2°C at 95% relative humidity. Parsley can be used either fresh or dried. To dry, wash clipped leaves and spread out shallowly on screens in a warm, airy place. When thoroughly dry, rub and store in jars.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Petroselinum crispum