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Sage, Culinary perennial - (100 seeds)
Sage, Culinary perennial - (100 seeds)
Lily's Garden Store

Sage, Culinary perennial - (100 seeds)

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Wonderfully aromatic, silvery-green leaves and tiny lavender flowers. A popular herb used both fresh and dried. The leaves have a tempting aroma and savory flavor and were traditionally used as a poultry stuffing, butter sauces and meat seasoning. Ornamental leaves and flowers, silvery dusty green foliage is a great base for dried floral arrangements and wreaths. Great companion plant as it helps to repel cabbage moth and carrot rust fly. Perennial. Height 50-70 cm / 20-30"

Approximately 100 seeds per packet (packed by volume).


Trivia: Sage grows in the wild in the Mediterranean regions and Asia Minor. Its Latin name comes from the word "salvere", which means to save or heal; this herb traditionally symbolizes good health and long life. Roman cultures, considering sage a sacred plant, followed a special ceremony for its harvest. Many cultures used sage for meat preservation, a practice confirmed by research that discovered sage's high antioxidant content. In 17th century China, sage was so valued in making infusions that traders would accept one bale of sage in trade for three bales of their tea leaves. Of all the culinary herbs, sage is perhaps the one with the widest variety of medicinal uses.


Growing Guide:

DAYS TO GERMINATION:7-21 days at 65–70°F (18–21°C).

Transplant (recommended): Start indoors 6-8 weeks before planting outdoors. Press seeds into seedling mix and keep moist until growth is seen. Transplant outside after the last frost, spacing 12" apart. 

Direct sow: in early spring 1/4” deep, space 6-12” apart.

LIGHT PREFERENCE: Full sun/part shade.

SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Will grow in most soils with good drainage and a fair amount of nitrogen. Good drainage is essential for perennializing
. Mulch where temperatures go below 0°F (-18°C).

Water during dry spells and side-dress with compost or a balanced fertilizer once or twice during the growing period, if necessary.




HARVEST: Individual leaves may be harvested the first year once plants have become established. In the second and following years, cut stems to within 6" of the base of the plant just as flowers are starting to open. Hang small bunches of sage upside down to dry in a well-ventilated location out of direct sunlight. 
Sage can be used either fresh or dried. To dry, wash clipped leaves and spread out shallowly on screens in a warm, airy place. When thoroughly dry, rub and store in jars.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Salvia officinalis